Dominatrix Clips

Hot dominatrixes torture their slaves

This guy had a well built and toned body that many women loved. Mistress Zephy also loved it. But she also loved a big dick and she had hoped that the guy would have it. It turned out that he did not and she was very disappointed in him. That is why she chose to ballbust him and crush his dick and his balls because of how he had disappointed her.

Mistress Carla has a hot ass and she used it to mess with this married man. She wanted to tease him and deny him and that is what she did to him today. She knew his wife was not around and so she used her hot ass to tease him and once he was turned on, she left him high and dry. She laughed at him and asked him to go and jerk off.

Mistress Lola knew that this guy had to be dominated for him to know that she meant business. But she had a trick up her sleeve and that was to not only facesit him, but to also jerk him off. She wanted it to be a mixture of pain and please with the jerking off and that is what she did to him. He loved it despite the pain in it.

Lady Despina and her friend lady Naomi were chilling in the house when lady Despina set out to teach her friend about one of her favorite fetishes, which was socks fetish. She instructed her friend what to do and how to do it and even showed her before they brought out a slave for her friend to get a practical feel of it. She loved it and she became addicted to it.

When this guy catcalled mistress Dula, he did not know that she did not like it and that he was walking on dangerous territory. She ignored him and continued walking but he did it again and again. She got pissed and went to where he was but instead of it going the way he had envisioned in his head, she trampled him and kicked him all over his body to make him learn not to do that again.

Lady Domi and lady Kimi had paid this guy to do some work for them as they were unable to do it themselves due to time constraints. But the guy disappointed them massively as he was unreliable and he led them to miss out on some lucrative opportunities despite paying him for his time and trouble. He had to be punished and the mistresses chose to degrade him with spit, trampling and stomping.

This mistress is blessed with a hot body. She has some of the best pair of tits you will ever see and she has accentuated them with sexy tattoos. She is also naughty and she knows how to combine all of these to turn on guys for fun. But she does not have anything to do with them after that. All she likes to do with them is to leave them high and dry.

This guy was a loser according to mistress Jardena and she had to do to him what she did to those she felt were losers like him. The mistress had him lick her feet as well as her high heels before she trampled him a little. The mistress also caught him unawares and slapped the crap out of him. He had never been as humiliated as he was that day.

Lady Cary did not care that her boss was into her. She wanted to milk the situation and make good money for herself, invest it and then quit. So she used her hot ass to do it. The hot and sexy mistress teased him with the hot ass and got him so turned on that he agreed to do her a few favors that helped her make money from the firm.

Mistress Anni felt that her assistant was not behaving as well as she needed him to and she had to tame him. That is why she opted to dominate him and to teach him a painful as well as cruel lesson. That way, he would never forget it and the two of them would never have any issues after that. She had him lick her dirty sneakers before using them to trample him.

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