Dominatrix Clips

Hot dominatrixes torture their slaves

This mistress likes hard working slaves. She realized her new slave was not as hard working as her other slaves so she made it a point to teach him to work hard. Since she did not do any work herself, she could not show him practically. So she humiliated him and tortured him to make him work hard. She rode him like a donkey and slapped him for a start. The rest would follow depending on how he responded.

Princess Serena did not let this guy know that she wanted to humiliate him and punish him. She flirted with him and he thought she was into her. When he took the bait, the mistress took him to her house where she humiliated him. She made him lick her feet and she threatened to trample him using her high heels if he did not lick the high heels the way she wanted.

This mistress discovered that this guy had given her horses the wrong medicine. She was pissed as he was given clear instructions on what to give them and how to do it. She caught him midway and she trampled him and crushed him as the horses watched. She used her boots to kick him, stomp on him and trample him as much as she wanted. Then made him do the right thing.

Princess Bertie knew this guy had a crush on her and was even stalking her. She wanted to test him so she called him to her house where she told him she had a spit fetish. She made him endure being spat on the face and smoke blown on his face. She was surprised he did not run away and she knew he was so deep into her she did not know what to do with him.

When this mistress asked her husband why he had gambled away their savings, he did not have an explanation. She slapped him hard but he still could not talk. He had gambled nearly half of their savings and she wanted him to make sure he took every cent back to the account. She forced him to lick the soles of her shoes and he saw a side of her he had never seen before. He was so afraid he took extra shifts to make the extra income.

This mistress is as sexy as they come. She is tattooed and she has big tits and a nice ass. She is easy on the eye and she is naughty to boot. But she is also sadistic when she feels like and especially when someone messes with her. This guy did and he lived to tell the story. She placed him in a trampling box but instead of trampling him, she placed her hand over his mouth and choked him.

This mistress is so hot that her husband still does not believe that she is his. When she went to take his morning coffee and found her in the kitchen, he was struck by how beautiful she is. She was wearing wearing just her bra, underwear and a kimono. He was turned on and began to lick her feet and she made him trample on him before they both got turned on and had made kitchen sex.

Madame Marissa was tired of this slave and she wanted him to leave. She was already making arrangements to get another slave. But before he finally went, she had a parting gift for the slave and it was in the form of a little pain. She used her sneakers to trample him and she trampled him from head to toe. No part of his body was out of bounds for her.

When this guy messed with these mistresses, he had no idea what he had gotten himself into. It was not until he found himself alone with them that he began to notice that all was not well. The mistresses he thought could not do anything to him forced him to lick the dirty soles of their shoes and degraded him in a manner he had never been humiliated or degraded before.

Madame Marissa crushes people for fun. Today she did not have a valid reason to torture and humiliate this slave. She just did it because she felt like doing it. She crushed him and did so from head to toe. She forced him to lick the soles of her dirty high heel boots and enjoyed how he begged her to stop trampling and crushing him. She only stopped when she was tired.

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