Dominatrix Clips

Hot dominatrixes torture their slaves

Mistress Rebekka wanted her money back from this guy. She had to make sure that the guy understood that she was not going to let him get away with losing her money. She stripped him naked and she kicked him cruelly. She ballbusted him and made sure he was going to give her the money within a week. He agreed to it and that was when she let him go.

Goddess Lena hates people who are too full of themselves. This guy was one such person and she could not let him get away with it. She had to cut him down to size and keep his ego in check. She used her stinky socks to do it. He had no choice but to lick them until they were as clean as she wanted. The poor guy had no choice but to do as ordered and he learned the value of humility.

Lady Sarah likes to have her peace and quiet. But her slave was a nuisance and she did not let lady Sarah have her peace and quiet. She had to find a way to deal with her and she settled on whipping her while she knelt and while she licked her boots. That was to send a message to her that she could not get away with mistakes in her house.

When her boyfriend acted in a way that was not courteous, this mistress knew that if she kept quiet, it would only serve to embolden him and contribute to him doing that again. So she used her stinky socks to trample his face and humiliated him as he had never been humiliated before. The boyfriend was shocked at the turn of events and he apologized and promised never to do so again.

Mistress Lana wanted to go home and relax. She had had a stressful day and it was important for her to unwind and enjoy her peace and quiet. But she could not do that because her neighbor was noisy and he played loud music and watched movies in a very high volume. She stormed his house and she dominated him using her bare feet and gave him a reason to stop being noisy.

Mistress BlackDiamoond did not like how this guy acted as if he was the toughest guy out there and he looked down on other people and even attempted to bully others. He had to be dealt with and she took one for the team and did it. The mistress forced him to stop the nonsense he had and he did by making him carry a huge stone with only his nuts.

This guy had set up goddess Chanel and as he had planned, she failed in what she wanted to do. He was happy about it and thought she would never know. But she did and she had to get her revenge. But her revenge was not to set him up. It was to punish him and that is what she did. She used her boots to trample and stomp on his hands and fingers.

Mistress Gaia was mad when she learned that her boyfriend had tried to seduce her sister. She did not even want to know why the hell he would do that. She punished him as brutally as she could. And she had help from her sister to punish him so that he would not hide behind one of them. He was naked as he was ball kicked while begging for mercy.

Mistress Luna wanted to torture this slave because he had disappointed her. She did not like it and had to send a strong message. The mistress used her high heels to trample his hands. It was painful for him but she did not care. He had to learn never to disappoint her again. And by the time she was done with him, she was sure he will never do it again.

Princess Serena found out the cake that her boyfriend had bought her and she crushed it in anger. He had thought that buying her cake was enough. She wanted his time but he had gone out with his friends and she did not like it. So she crushed it and made a video of how she did it and sent it to him. Her boyfriend was shocked and could not believe his eyes.

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