Dominatrix Clips

Hot dominatrixes torture their slaves

Lady Vampira is a pin up gothic beauty who loves to dominate her slave. She sits on her slave's face wearing tight latex pantyhose and a corset. This dirty gal claims this man all her own by spitting into his waiting mouth after she's through using him for her own pleasure! She even tramples on his neck for a little while just to show how much power her tattooed figure has over her slave.

Mistress sexy pornstar Aileen puts on her very high painful heels in order to punish her foot slave! The poor guy has to lie down like a carpet and take it while she tramples on him with her sexy heels and her bare feet. She even steps on his groin, causing him the max amount of pain, but he definitely enjoys being used as his beautiful mistress's personal slave!

Mistress Lea brutally tramples her slave in this video. The slave has been bad and he needs to be punished! Mistress makes him lay down outside on the dirt floor so she can walk over him, choke him, step on his face and trample his balls too. She uses her slave without any pity, crushing him under her sexy black boots. Without any mercy Mistress Lea uses her slave as she pleases.

Candy and Aurora have a new slave to help them with their shoes and boots. First the red head, has him clean the soles of her heels. She then forces him to take the spikes all the way into his mouth and use his tongue to clean those thoroughly. He continues to kiss and lick them, but now it is time for the others boots to get clean. He starts licking and kissing, but it isn't enough for the red head, so she pushes the soles of the boots into his tongue, until they are all clean.

Marissa ties her slave up to a chair. She makes sure he cannot get out and then she begins her slow torture of him. She starts low on his stomach. She bares her teeth and then sinks them deeply into his skin. She scratches him across the bite mark to make it sting more. She then bites his neck and sucks the skin up into her mouth. This leaves teeth marks and a hicky bruise on the spot. She continues biting and scratching until his chest and stomach are covered.

Mistress Black Diamond takes the time to mummify her slave with clear plastic wrap, but she leaves all the fun bits open for torture and abuse. She places a gas mask hood over his head so he cannot complain too much. She makes him get hard so he knows his dick is right out there. She peels the plastic wrap off of his nipples and then kicks him to bent over. She has a branch that she comes up from behind him and swats his nasty cock and balls.

Stellina simply starts by spitting on her slave, she spits on his chest and then on his face. This isn't enough so she spits and then rubs it in with her shoes. Her stocking shod feet, smear more spit all over him, but she really concentrates on his face. She covers that with spit and then rubs it into his mouth, all over his face and particularly into his hair, nose and mouth.

A young blonde in trainers is punishing her slave thoroughly. She comes into the room smoking and finds him laying there. She kicks him onto his back and then spits on his face and body. She stands on his chest and flicks ashes off her cigarette on to him. Then she rolls him over and stands and jumps on his back. She squats there to spit on him some more. She flips him again and keeps blowing smoke into his face.

Lady Sue has been out running. When she returns she needs to get her shoes cleaned off. She ran through mud and water apparently. She sits on her exercise bench and tries many positions to get every spot of dirt off her shoes. She lifts one leg up to her slave's mouth. The shoes gets the sole cleaned that way, but she has to shift the get the sides. Then the other shoe must be tended to. She cannot get the backs cleaned until she stands up with the back of her shoes in slave's face.

Kiki is needing to practice her dancing. Her slave is conveniently laying on the floor. She starts out slowly limbering up with her bare feet. She walks on his stomach and chest, but then she is ready to really dance. She practices piroetting and standing on her toes. They sink deeply into his stomach, depressing it almost flat. She continues this torture putting her full weight into sinking his stomach and pushing on his chest. He never realized she could dance so well.

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