Dominatrix Clips

Hot dominatrixes torture their slaves

After Beautiful Madame Marissa has spent a few grueling hours at the gym, she likes to unwind in the best way she knows. She calls for her slave and makes him kiss her dirty sneaker soles to begin. Then, she makes him take off her sweaty shoes and shove his nose inside to inhale her delicious foot aroma. After that, he gets to smell and kiss her pretty feet through her sweaty and very smelly socks before sliding them off and having them stuffed into his mouth.

These two young Dommes are in the mood for a tasty and relaxing smoke after a hard day. What better way to share it, then to have a slave lie down and have his face used as a spittoon at the same time? After each drag, they unleash a torrent of spit and phlegm right onto his face. It pools around his eyes and flows down his nose, He has no other option than to accept their lovely gift and feel grateful.

Here's your chance to double your pleasure and double your fun. This guy is going to get the facesit of his life. Not one beautiful ass but two at once. Those perfectly toned asses are just in thongs and ready to sit. Watch as both of them smother his face at once. What more could you ask for than two beautiful asses sitting on your face at once.

Watch this sexy brunette have some fun with her slave. She'll put her beautiful ass right on his face with nothing more than a thong. She drops that ass right on his nose. You can actually see his nose in her crack. He's getting a full smell of that ass. He'll just sit there like a good slave and take it. No matter what it smells like or if he can breathe.

Lady Cloe and Lady Faye are going to have some painful torturous fun with their slave. Lady Cloe starts things by pulling and clamping his nipples. Then it's Lady Faye's turn. She pulls the tongue out of his mouth with a pair of pliers. Then to add insult to injury she spits in his mouth. The two ladies leave him there and decide to have fun on their own. While he's left in pain.

Ingrid Frost wants her pathetic slave to truly love facesitting. She lies face down and has her slave stick his nose right in her ass. That's just to start. She humiliates him with both of her dirty feet on his face. When that's done she sits right on his face with her gigantic ass. She gets to serious facesitting training with some butt drops smushing his entire face.

This gorgeous redheaded mistress knows exactly how she's going to train her slave. She sits right on his face with no pants on. There's just her thin pair of underwear standing between his face and her ass and pussy. He gets a long whiff of everything she has to offer. How long can he handle the smell? How long can he hold his breath. Watch to find out for yourself

Candy has had a long day on her feet. She gets home to hang out with her friend Eryss and has an idea. She starts to test Eryss's limits by having her smell her dirty sneakers. Once she does that she moves on to her smelly socks. Once she does that she moves on to her dirty bare feet. She even gets her to lick the sole of her dirty foot!

This puny little bastard has no idea what he's in for. His mistress is really mad and going to teach him a lesson. She'll start by forcing him to lick the dirty sole of her heels. Then she's really degrade him by making him suck her heel like it's a dick. What could be worse than that? How about using his mouth as an ashtray. This guy gets it bad.

Natalia loves seeing a man cry. She made this one remove his shirt and then whipped him and enjoyed hearing his cries

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