Dominatrix Clips

Hot dominatrixes torture their slaves

Lady Karame is not a mistress you want to mess with if you can avoid it. This guy was her competitor and he managed to piss her off by using underhand tactics to try and beat her. She was fine being beaten fair and square but not through underhand methods. When she realized that, she punished him cruelly. She brutally trampled the guy using her boots and she even made him lick the dirty soles. She made sure he made amends.

Mistress Gaia likes to do things her way. She had issued instructions to her slave but she felt that she knew better and ignored the instructions she had been given. But her own way backfired and she could do nothing about it. When mistress Gaia came back, she found he had done things her way instead of what she had instructed her. She cruelly punished her by making her lick her sweaty feet, used her as a human ashtray and she spat on her.

Lady Krasaviza could not believe what had happened to her slave. He had changed and had become a thief. He stole from her and she caught him. But she pretended she did not know so she asked him and he denied. She proved to her how he had stolen from her and he could not say anything. She punished him by brushing her teeth and spitting into his mouth. She forced him to swallow.

Lady Amy and her friend mistress Zora had to punish this guy for trying to con them. They were smarter than he thought they were and they did not fall for his tricks. Instead, they punished him and made him stop being a con. They forced him to open his mouth and they spat into it. They told him to make an honest living or else they would do worse to him if they found him conning people again.

These mistresses are good friends. They are also very close. They are naughty and adventurous people and today they had a bet. They wanted to try foot licking and since no one wanted to go first, they played a game and whoever lost it would start. The blonde mistress won and so her friend had to lick her feet. They had fun and laughed about it when they had both done it.

Mistress BlackDiamoond and her friend lady Chanel are cruel. They are as cruel as it gets but this guy did not know it. When they asked him if he was down for anything, he agreed thinking they were going to fuck. But when they reached their house, the mistresses undressed the guy and used their high heels to fuck him in the ass. They also used him as a human ashtray.

Madame Marissa did not like how her slave drove the car. She felt like he was careless and she tortured him so that he did not cause an accident. She made him lick her boots which were dirty. She had walked in mud and she went back to the car where the slave was and she had him lick them. She taught him a lesson and he became a better driver.

Princess Serena likes to humiliate her slave for no reason. That is why she has a slave. She can do anything she feels like to him and she does not have to worry about looking for a scapegoat or a reason. Today she felt like getting her sneakers licked so she made him lick the soles of her sneakers without caring how dirty or unhygienic the sneakers were. She wanted it done and it was done.

Mistress Milana is the kind of person who likes to do things her way. Her boss tried to make him do things her way and she knew for sure that her boss' way would not yield any fruits and it would backfire on her and on the company. She called her colleague and they trampled their boss to show him that his plan would not work and they also told them they were ready to quit but not do such kind of work.

Lady Karame does not like guys who brag. She likes people who are simple. Her colleague was one of those people who brag a lot and she was pissed. She tried to ignore him but he overdid it and she had to do something about it. She pretended that she wanted to take him somewhere for a surprise. But instead she took him to the woods and she humiliated him by making him lick her muddy boots and warned him from bragging.

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